The National Museum

The museum is a treasure house of Palmyrene art*
The museum is a treasure house of Palmyrene art

One of the big disappointments of the recent trip to Syria was the reactionary attitude of the authorities towards photography in museums. We have no problem with paying a reasonable fee for the privilege, but a complete ban is another thing entirely. (In this the Syrians appear to be copying the Israelis, who also ban photography in the big museum in Jerusalem.)

The only bright spot was the fact that the museums are too small to hold all the treasures found in Syria, a large number of which are out in the open air - and photography is permitted outside the building. (No doubt the authorities are kicking themselves over having missed this loophole!)

In this film we pay a visit to the National Museum in Damascus and look at a few of the objects out in the garden. I fear you aren't going to see the pictures we sneaked on the inside, though . . .

I hope the museum escaped the general destruction during the recent civil war but I have no information and no intention of going back to check!