Lunt Roman Fort

Lunt's reconstructed Roman fort is most impressive*
Lunt's reconstructed Roman fort is most impressive

This was a bit of serendipity: I had five hours to kill, so just looked on the map for anything interesting and my eye fell on the words "Lunt Roman Fort". I had no idea what to expect, but when I got there I discovered a real gem - though one that could do with a bit of weeding!

The fort is not particularly big and the remains are nothing to write home about, but the reconstruction is first class, first of the ramparts and main gate - based on depictions of army forts on Trajan's Column in Rome - and secondly of the feature that makes this fort unique in the world.

You've heard, I'm sure, of Boadicea, the British queen who led a revolt against Roman occupation and came very close to winning. Have you ever wondered what happened to her horses?