Sweeney Todd

Sweeney Todd dispatches another victim*
Sweeney Todd dispatches another victim

152 Fleet Street is the supposed barber shop where Sweeney Todd operated and Bell Yard, just round the corner, houses the former pie shop, where his victims were cooked, made into pies and sold to the unsuspecting public. You can go there and see the barber shop (now a pub) and - for all I know - quaff a Sweeney Todd Light Ale.

The only trouble is that, as Wikipedia assures us, Sweeney Todd never existed. He was a fictional character invented by the author of the story The String of Pearls - and it says much for his reality that we aren't even sure who wrote the original story!

Still, it all helps to rope the customers in, who shiver in vicarious horror as they sip their drink.