
Tiverton is a charming town, but its castle holds a macabre secret*
Tiverton is a charming town, but its castle holds a macabre secret

I recently paid a flying visit to Tiverton - I was in a hurry to go somewhere else - so missed out on some of the things I had noted on a previous visit, like the famous Blundell School where Charles Wesley's brother, Samuel, was headmaster at one time. Nonetheless I hope that this short introduction to the town will pique your interest and inspire you to pay a longer and more leisurely visit to the place than I was able to.

In particular I regret missing the Tiverton Museum, for at one time Tiverton was an important lace manufactory and I imagine the museum, which specialises in social history, will have many samples of the industry.

Still, enjoy the film and relive your wedding day.