The Entrance

Pelicans <i>en masse</i> and within touching distance are an awesome sight!*
Pelicans en masse and within touching distance are an awesome sight!

The Entrance is a small town on the south shore of a narrow channel that leads in from the open sea to one of the lakes in this part of the coast of New South Wales. There is nothing particularly remarkable about the town, apart from its claim to be the "Pelican Capital of Australia", in support of which they have a daily feeding of the pelicans.

This, you might think, is of limited appeal - but have you ever seen a hundred pelicans doing a Mexican wave?



It was a first for me, too, but sufficiently interesting and amusing for me to want to bring it to you. I'm grateful to the lady from the ARC who introduces the pelicans. If you want more information, be sure to give her a ring, but remember that if you live outside Australia, you will have to drop the first zero and put in your international dialling code for Australia.

And, of course, if you are ever in Australia (or if you live there!) make sure that you take the time to visit The Entrance and watch the pelicans doing their Mexican wave!