Henry Crane's Robots

©Kendall K. Down 2011

Development costs have skyrocketted, so Henry Crane needs money - and to impress the banker who has the stuff in sackfuls he lays on a splendid meal and delightful company. Sir Geoffrey has a lot of questions, however, and in the course of answering them Henry reveals the frustrations and triumphs of developing artificial personalities that can be trusted in the real world.

Ken, after that opening, I couldn't resist reading the whole thing on the spot. It makes good philosophical ideas the point of a most convincingly written story, and what more could you ask from science fiction?

I just finished the last paragraph of your interesting book. It is beautiful. As I always say, your writing is so enchanting that one cannot stop reading. Thank you for giving me the chance to read the book and hope to see more of the sort. I certainly enjoyed it tremendously.